Save The Arm (TM) Safety Products are for educational purposes only. The user or applier of the deivice or product assumes full responsibility for their use or misuse. Save The Arm(TM) is not responsible for the intentional use or misuse of these products and only supplies the products as educational tools. Context and situation should dictate every situation as to whether to use a Save The Arm (TM) Safety Product or not.
Save The Arm (TM) Safety Products should be used cautiously in persons with lymphedema and reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), as pressure can worsen lymphedema and/or even cause significant injury and can exacerbate symptoms of RSD. Other conditions may have similar precautions and care should be taken that at no time is the use of the product making the person wearing the product have worsening symptoms.
Save The Arm (TM) Safety Products are not a replacement for compression sleeves used in the treatment of lymphedema and should not be used under a lymphedema compression sleeve.
Save The Arm (TM) Safety Products which are disposable should never be re-used and are for short temporary use. Reusable products should be washed and sanitized frequently and always between subsequent uses and moisturizer and sanitizer should be applied to the arm prior to their application. Any product may cause irritation to skin and for this reason, in persons susceptible to infection, it is recommended that Save The Arm (TM) Safety Products be used with caution and only when the benefits of prevention of errant needle stick and/or pressure injury clearly outweigh the risks of application of a Save The Arm(TM) Safety Product or products.
It is important to always consider the following when using Save The Arm (TM) Safety Products:
1. Leave a Save The Arm (TM) product on an arm for an extended period of time or without assessing frequently for pressure induced injuries such as strangulation of the vascular supply to the arm or damage to the underlying tissues. As a minimum, the skin and arm and vascular supply should be checked every few hours and if any signs of increased swelling or compression are noted or any signs of vascular supply compromise are noted, the Save The Arm (TM) product should be removed. Discontinue Save The Arm (TM) safety Products immediately if any bluish or graying of the fingers or skin occurs, reduced capillary refill is noted, increased redness, increased swelling, open or weeping skin is noted, cool or clammy extremities are noted, dusky skin color is noted, red streaks in an arm are noted, increased pain in an arm is noted or any other alarming signs or symptoms are noted.
2. Save The Arm (TM) Safety Products should never be applied over a possibly infected arm, over an open wound or in a red and/or swollen arm. Notify appropriate medical personnel if any of these signs or symptoms are observed.
3. Save The Arm (TM) should only be applied by trained personnel familiar with the product and should never be applied or used by untrained and unskilled personnel.
4. Save The Arm (TM) Safety Products are not diagnostic tools and should never be used as such. Always confirm the underlying structure and composition of the arm prior to applying Save The Arm (TM) Safety Products and as well confirm the context for application.
5. Save The Arm (TM) Safety Products may constitute a choking hazard or a strangulation hazard for neonates, infants and young children. Never use Save The Arm(TM) Safety products around children or on children without direct supervision and oversight to assure that choking and strangulation is not possible with the product.
6. Save The Arm Safety Products should never be used in persons who are at risk for self harm. Similarly, Save The Arm Safety Products should not be used in unsupervised children or adults who are incapable of protecting themselves form iatrogenic injury.
Though Save The Arm (TM) Safety Products are designed as educational tools they are not a substitute for human judgment. Use with caution at all times and follow the guidance listed on this page.