Protected Upper Extremity Conditions include a variety of conditions that do not involve lymphedema or end stage renal disease, or the need to protect the arm due to future or current hemodialysis access. As such, the types of conditions covered under the heading of protected upper extremity condition is a broad and evolving operational definition. Some common types of protected upper extremity conditions are as follows:
1. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)/ Complex Regional Pain Syndrome(CPRS):
3. Shoulder-Hand Syndrome
4. Causalgia
5. Sudecks Atrophy
6. Anomalous Arterial and Venous Disorders of the Upper Extremity:
7. Arthrogryposis: Read about this patients experience regarding her difficulty in receiving I.V. and PICC line access and for a complete list of resources for this condition, check out AMC Support.
8. Previous Difficult Experience: Many times patients report that they have a preferred site for receiving phlebotomy and/or intramuscular or subcutaneous injections. Patients know their bodies best and often have learned from previous experience which location is usually easiest to access or at least know the site where they prefer to receive injections and invasive interventions.
Whenever possible, it is important for medical personnel to use the 5 A’s and EASE methodologies and Save The Arm(TM) Safety Products such as Save The Arm( TM) Safety Sleeves, Save the Arm (TM) Safety Tape and Save The Arm Safety Tattoos(TM) and understand how their use relates to safety outcomes.