Protected Upper Extremity Conditions include a variety of conditions that do not involve lymphedema or end stage renal disease, or the need to protect the arm due to future or current hemodialysis access. As such, the types of conditions covered under the heading of protected upper extremity condition is a broad and evolving operational definition. Some common types of protected upper extremity conditions are as follows: 1. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)/ Complex Regional Pain Syndrome(CPRS): 3. Shoulder-Hand Syndrome 4. Causalgia 5. Sudecks Atrophy 6. Anomalous Arterial and Venous Disorders of the Upper Extremity: 7. Arthrogryposis: Read about this patients experience regarding her difficulty in receiving I.V....
“B’s Story” I had a patient. For sake of anonymity lets call him “B”. B had diabetes and hypertension and over the years developed kidney disease and eventually kidney failure. He needed to go on dialysis, but before you can go for dialysis you have to have access placed. The most common procedure used to create access is the creation of an AV fistula. This is usually done on an arm and involves a surgery where a doctor connects a vein to an artery in the forearm. The AV fistula creates a place with enough blood flow that a needle can be introduced and get enough volume back...